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Capitol Hill Denver

Capitol Hill

This neighborhood offers a vibrant mix of arts, culture, and Colorado history. Explore the gold-domed Colorado State Capitol with its “Mile High” marker on the thirteenth step. Civic Center Park plays host to live music and food trucks Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from May-October. You’ll find some of Denver’s finest museums nestled among the beautiful turn-of-the-century mansions of “Cap Hill,” including the Molly Brown House Museum, which tells the story of “The Unsinkable Molly Brown.”

Capitol Hill runs from East Colfax Ave to East Seventh Ave and from Broadway to Downing Street. Nearby, in the Golden Triangle Creative District, don’t miss the Denver Art Museum, Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art, and the Clyfford Still Museum. With galleries, fine-art studios, museums, specialty stores, restaurants, nightclubs, coffeehouses, and cafes, the neighborhood is a great place to explore on foot.

Statistics icon

Capitol Hill Demographics

Icon Profile


Total Population

Denver Population: 706,799


Median Resident Age

Denver Median Resident Age: 35.5

Icon Sack


Median Income Per Resident

Denver Median Income Per Resident: $53,437


Median Income Per Household

Denver Median Income Per Household: $85,721

Icon Key


Median Rent

Denver Median Rent: $1,143


Median Home Value

Denver Median Home Value: $513,621

Icon Home


% homes owner occupied (vs. renter)

Denver % of homes owner occupied (vs. renter): 46.4%


% homes occupied (vs. vacant)

Denver % home occupied (vs. vacant): 94%

Shield iconPublic Safety

Denver Police District 6

Address: 1566 N Washington St.


Community Resource Officers

Teresa Gillian


Austen Munsen


Denver Police Districts Map

The map above shows the outline of Police Districts 2, 3 & 6 within the boundaries of Denver District 10.

Police District Map

Capitol Hill – Year Home Was Built

Year Home Was Built Capitol Hill Denver
Before 1939 32% 18%
1940 – 1949 6% 6%
1950 – 1959 16% 14%
1060 – 1969 18% 11%
1970 – 1979 11% 13%
1980 – 1989 4% 8%
1990 – 1999 4% 7%
2000 – 2009 4% 11%
2010 – 2013 5% 13%
After 2013 0% 0.3%

Capitol Hill – Resident Ethnicity

Resident Ethnicity Capitol Hill Denver
White 73.9% 57.5%
Hispanic 13.4% 27.4%
Black 3.2% 7.5%
Asian 4.2% 3.1%
Other 0% 0.3%
Two or more 5.2% 3.7%

Capitol Hill – Resident Education Level

Resident Education Level Capitol Hill Denver
Bachelor or higher 65% 53%
Some college 21% 22%
HS grad or Equiv 10% 16%
Less than HS 4% 10%

Capitol Hill – Resident Age

Resident Age Capitol Hill Denver
0 to 9 1% 11%
10 – 19 1% 10%
20 – 29 32% 18%
30 – 39 32% 21%
40 – 49 14% 14%
50 – 59 10% 10%
60 – 69 8% 9%
70 – 79 3% 5%
80+ 1% 3%

Data Source: Denver Open Data

Group icon

Registered Neighborhood Organizations

Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods, Inc.


President:Travis Leiker

Contact Number: 303-830-1651


Neighbors for Greater Capitol Hill


President: Brad Cameron

Contact Number: 303-832-4282

Unsinkables, Inc.

President: Kathi Anderson

Contact Number: 303-343-4069


Timer icon

Capitol Hill History

Capitol Hill Denver
Capitol Hill Denver