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South City Park Demographics

Icon Profile


Total Population

Denver Population: 706,799


Median Resident Age

Denver Median Resident Age: 35.5

Icon Sack


Median Income Per Resident

Denver Median Income Per Resident: $53,437


Median Income Per Household

Denver Median Income Per Household: $85,721

Icon Key


Median Rent

Denver Median Rent: $1,143


Median Home Value

Denver Median Home Value: $513,621

Icon Home


% homes owner occupied (vs. renter)

Denver % of homes owner occupied (vs. renter): 46.4%


% homes occupied (vs. vacant)

Denver % home occupied (vs. vacant): 94%

Shield iconPublic Safety

Denver Police District 2

Address: 1566 N Washington St.

Phone: 720-913-2800


Hana Ruiz

(720) 913-1089

Denver Police Districts Map

The map above shows the outline of Police Districts 2 & 6 within the boundaries of Denver District 10.

Police District Map

South City Park – Year Home Was Built

Year Home Was Built South City Park Denver
Before 1939 33% 18%
1940 – 1949 1% 6%
1950 – 1959 5% 14%
1060 – 1969 10% 11%
1970 – 1979 6% 13%
1980 – 1989 2% 8%
1990 – 1999 5% 7%
2000 – 2009 20% 11%
2010 – 2013 13% 13%
After 2013 0% 0.3%

South City Park – Resident Ethnicity

Resident Ethnicity South City Park Denver
White 78.4% 57.5%
Hispanic 9.5% 27.4%
Black 8.3% 7.5%
Asian 1.5% 3.1%
Other 0.0% 0.3%
Two or more 2.3% 3.7%

South City Park – Resident Education Level

Resident Education Level South City Park Denver
Bachelor or higher 79% 53%
Some college 13% 22%
HS grad or Equiv 6% 16%
Less than HS 2% 10%

South City Park – Resident Age

Resident Age South City Park Denver
0 to 9 29% 11%
10 – 19 7% 10%
20 – 29 20% 18%
30 – 39 27% 21%
40 – 49 12% 14%
50 – 59 6% 10%
60 – 69 8% 9%
70 – 79 6% 5%
80+ 6% 3%

Data Source: Denver Open Data

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South City Park History

South City Park
South City Park